Quick view sku: FIDDESstopLoss Bags FIDDES STOP LOSS BAGS | Stop Loss Bags for Oil Preserving 4 Pack MSRP: Was: $24.80 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OUTDOOR FURNITURE OIL-Clear FIDDES Exterior | OUTDOOR FURNITURE OIL Clear Exterior MSRP: Was: $99.00 - $187.00 Choose Options
Quick view sku: FIDDESConcrete-Matt FIDDES Interior | CONCRETE FINISH Clear Matt Interior for Concrete Sealant MSRP: Was: $167.90 Choose Options
Quick view sku: FIDDESDECKINGOIL-Clear FIDDES Exterior | DECKING OIL Clear Exterior for Timber Decking MSRP: Was: $165.00 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|3101 OSMO Interior | WOOD WAX FINISH 3101 Clear Interior MSRP: Was: $43.65 - $314.00 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|1101 OSMO Interior | THIN WOOD WAX FINISH 1101 Clear Interior MSRP: Was: $76.95 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|3099 OSMO Interior | CHOPPING BOARD OIL 3099 Clear Matt Interior MSRP: Was: $76.70 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: OSMO|410 OSMO Exterior | UV PROTECTION 410 Clear Exterior Biocide Free MSRP: Was: $37.15 - $992.80 Choose Options
Quick view sku: FIDDESWSC-Sprey FIDDES Cleaner | WOOD SURFACE Cleaner Spray MSRP: Was: $38.50 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|3058 OSMO Interior | TOP OIL 3058 Clear Matt Interior Timber Oil MSRP: Was: $76.70 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO6611 OSMO Paint Remover Gel | 6611 Painter Remover Gel with Cleaning Brush MSRP: Was: $35.15 - $163.30 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|8025 OSMO Cleaner | DECKING CLEANER 8025 Cleaner for Timber Decking MSRP: Was: $42.95 - $171.80 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|8021 OSMO Cleaner | POLYMER COMPOSITE CLEANER 8021 Cleaner for Composite Decking MSRP: Was: $68.20 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|DeckingOil OSMO Exterior | DECKING OIL 004 Douglas Fir Exterior MSRP: Was: $32.40 - $887.40 Choose Options
Quick view sku: OSMO|3332 OSMO Interior | POLYX EXPRESS 3332 Clear Satin Interior for Fast Drying MSRP: Was: $50.10 - $1,387.90 Choose Options
Quick view FIDDES STOP LOSS BAGS | Stop Loss Bags for Oil Preserving 4 Pack Stoploss Bags are formulated to preserve and extend the life of your woodworking finishes.Simply transfer your product into a StopLoss Bag, seal, store and forget! No more thickened or skinned over finishes caused by evaporation and oxidation. Tests... MSRP: Was: $24.80 Choose Options
Quick view FIDDES Exterior | OUTDOOR FURNITURE OIL Clear Exterior A blend of natural Oils and resins offering a transparent satin finish with exceptional durability and resistance for all external timber furniture and joinery. FINISH Produces a clear, quick drying, water repellent and weather resistant finish... MSRP: Was: $99.00 - $187.00 Choose Options
Quick view FIDDES Interior | CONCRETE FINISH Clear Matt Interior for Concrete Sealant Fiddes Concrete Finish is a quick drying, low VOC, water based finish that stabilises and seals internal concrete surfaces and floors. Formulated to prevent dusting, Concrete Finish improves resistance to dirt, oil and stains. Recommended for Use on... MSRP: Was: $167.90 Choose Options
Quick view FIDDES Exterior | DECKING OIL Clear Exterior for Timber Decking A water repelling Decking Oil, that penetrates deeply into both smooth and planed, rough sawn decking and exterior timber. Formulated to both preserve, protect and restore. Prevents splitting & surface growth of algae whilst also offering high... MSRP: Was: $165.00 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Interior | WOOD WAX FINISH 3101 Clear Interior Enhance the natural beauty of your interior wood surfaces with OSMO Interior | WOOD WAX FINISH 3101 Clear. This transparent or intensive satin coloured wood finish combines the benefits of oils and waxes in one unique product. Perfect for timber... MSRP: Was: $43.65 - $314.00 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Interior | THIN WOOD WAX FINISH 1101 Clear Interior Woodwax Clear Extra Thin Transparent finish for interior timber flooring which has a high resin or oil content. Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin is a clear, is a completely matt wood finish that uniquely combines the advantages of natural oils and waxes... MSRP: Was: $76.95 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Interior | CHOPPING BOARD OIL 3099 Clear Matt Interior Clear oil-wax combination specifically formulated for wooden chopping boards. Based on natural oils and waxes, the finish is food safe once cured. Advantages: Easy to apply, with 2 thin coats Based on natural oils and waxes Enhances the woods natural... MSRP: Was: $76.70 Add to Cart
Quick view OSMO Exterior | UV PROTECTION 410 Clear Exterior Biocide Free Osmo UV Protection Oils are clear, UV rated oils for new timber joinery, garden furniture, doors, window frames, cladding and other vertically structured joinery. Not recommended for horizontal surfaces such as timber decking. UV Protection Oil... MSRP: Was: $37.15 - $992.80 Choose Options
Quick view FIDDES Cleaner | WOOD SURFACE Cleaner Spray Fiddes Surface Cleaner is the ideal maintenance product for all timber surfaces. Whether it’s a polished floor or a beautifully stained benchtop, Fiddes Surface Cleaner is the perfect solution. Fiddes Surface Cleaner is a non abrasive rinse free... MSRP: Was: $38.50 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Interior | TOP OIL 3058 Clear Matt Interior Timber Oil OSMO Top Oil is a timber finish designed for interior use, making it ideal for kitchen bench tops, tables, and general joinery. It is certified food safe and available in 7 different colours. The product is easy to apply, requiring only two thin coats... MSRP: Was: $76.70 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Paint Remover Gel | 6611 Painter Remover Gel with Cleaning Brush Paint Remover Gel Removes old Decking-Oil and wood stains evenly and efficiently Product Information Osmo Paint Remover Gel is a ready-to-use, viscous paint remover especially developed for removing old existing oil surface finishes in... MSRP: Was: $35.15 - $163.30 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Cleaner | DECKING CLEANER 8025 Cleaner for Timber Decking Decking Cleaner Highly effective concentrate for cleaning decking made of untreated or oiled wood. Product Information Osmo Decking Cleaner is especially suited for cleaning all timber decking in outdoor areas as well as for privacy screens,... MSRP: Was: $42.95 - $171.80 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Cleaner | POLYMER COMPOSITE CLEANER 8021 Cleaner for Composite Decking Polymer Composite Cleaner Intensive cleaner for polymer composite decking and all other exterior wood-polymer composites Product Information Highly effective, alkaline-based intensive cleaner for polymer composite decking and all other... MSRP: Was: $68.20 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Exterior | DECKING OIL 004 Douglas Fir Exterior Coloured oils for timber decks from Osmo. Transparent, satin, high quality wood finishes based on natural oils. Designed to meet the demands of exposed, exterior timber decking. Osmo Decking Oils are easy to apply, maintain and rejuvenate. In full... MSRP: Was: $32.40 - $887.40 Choose Options
Quick view OSMO Interior | POLYX EXPRESS 3332 Clear Satin Interior for Fast Drying Osmo Polyx Oil Express is the fastest drying version of the normal Polyx-Oil when used in conjunction with OSMO Hardener 6632. Designed for the professional, Polyx®-Oil Express is recommended for interior wooden floors and furniture in cold climates... MSRP: Was: $50.10 - $1,387.90 Choose Options